Life With Riley

And still she sings!

Posted on: February 3, 2011

Riley is hilarious.  Well, I think so but then again I am her mom which does mean I’m biased, but if you lived with her you’d think she was hilarious too.

Current Riley moments:

The girl is in love with superheroes.  She loves watching Wonder Woman, the old Batman and Robin series, and anything we can find that is age appropriate for her (there’s a lot of stuff for teens rated PG-13, esp what is available on netflix streaming).  She loves the stories, and the simplistic idea of good guys and bad guys and asking questions about both.

Another favorite is singing.  She will sing anything at any time, unless you ask her to specifically sing something and she’ll clam up like the Warner Brother’s cartoon frog.  Occasionally she’ll comply but it’s always with a laugh and a smile.  She’ll sing the Wonder Woman theme song – we’ll hear her belt it out when she is supposed to be going to sleep.  She is a bit trying as her other favorite song is one she learned from Musicare but only remembers one verse:

Snow is falling on
Grandfather Mountain
Snow is falling so deep…

Snow is falling on
Grandfather Mountain
Putting all the bears to sleep

I feel for her teacher -she apparently hears it a LOT from Riles- it’s her default sing to her self song at school as well.  What can I say, the girl gets it from me I guess. I love to sing and I’m thrilled that she’s found her voice.

When she finds her tone and the right key and loses the nasal… that’s when I’ll be relieved!!!

She does sound pretty good at times, it’ll be interesting to see as she grows if she continues to be so outgoing.  One of the elementary schools we may try for is an arts magnet school where she could develop her love of music and art further.  She loves the stage and performing- I found out this week that another teacher has her sing the Ariel song (the Ah ah ah— bit) from Little Mermaid.  She’s been singing that one forever it seems but it impressed her little friends.

Otherwise things are going well at home- we’ve had a pretty easy time of things this winter. Dad’s feeling a bit under the weather but he’ll be back in the swing of things soon we’re sure.  Work for me is going great- lots of positive and interesting challenges. 

We’re a blessed family and thankful for each day we get to celebrate life together!

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